
12.-14.09.2024Presentation of research findings from RISS Family Conjoint entitled “Multidimensionality of gender ideologies and their socio-structural determinants: A factorial survey approach" at the European Consortium for Sociological Research 2024 Conference in Barcelona, Spain (Taylan Acar). 
27.-30.08.2024Presentation of research findings entitled "The Price of Not-Belonging. Unraveling the Nexus between the Impostor Phenomenon, Perceived Discrimination and Workplace Attachment" based on RISS survey data at the 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA) "Tension, Trust and Transformation", (Max P. Jansen), Porto, Portugal.
15.07.2024 Workshop on Latent Class Analysis for advanced users with Dr. Katia Begall (Assistant Professor in Sociology, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands)
04.-06.07.2024Presentation of research on the role of religious leaders in shaping cohesion related attitudes among immigrants in Germany which analyzes the experimental component of the RISS data at the 14th annual conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA) in Cologne (Osman Suntay). 
04.-06.07.2024Presentation of research examining the  effect of extremist violence on religious identification among Muslim immigrants in Germany, based on  experimental part of the RISS data, at the 14th annual conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA) in Cologne (Constantin Ruhe), 4.-6. July 2024.
06.-07.06.2024Presentation of pre-analysis plan for research on the reciprocal association between turnout and efficacy beliefs using the RISS youth sample at DVPW working group on “Elections and political attitudes", University of Siegen, 6 - 7 June, 2025 (Project 4, RISS Efficacy Team).
14.05.2024 Presentation of the RISS survey design and conjoint experiments at questionnaire design workshop of the ADOMiS project, (Yassine Khoudja), Humboldt University Berlin.
05.2024Change of co-spokesperson in May 2024: Yassine Khoudja succeeds Richard Traunmüller, Richard continues his work as PI in RISS. We thank Richard for his great contributions as co-speaker and congratulate Yassine on this promotion!  
04.2024 RISS Internal Workshop on preliminary results and plans for the second funding phase.
25.-26.04.2024Presentation of the RISS Internalization Survey at IMISCOE 3rd annual Meth@Mig workshop (Yassine Khoudja), GESIS Mannheim.
18-21.03.2024 Presentation of research findings entitled "Echoes of Doubt. The Impostor Phenomenon as an Internalized Barrier for Educational Advancements" based on RISS survey data at the Joint Spring School on "The Analysis of Social and Educational Inequalities" of the Collegio Carlo Alberto, the Network for the Advancement of Social and Political Studies, and the European Consortium of Sociological Research (ECSR), (Max P. Jansen), Turin, Italy. 
03.2024Presentation of RISS gender conjoint experiment on EVS (European Values Study) methods workshop (Daniela Grunow), Skopje.
02.2024RISS Internal Workshop on RISS Internalization Survey: data management and discussion of work in progress/ preliminary research output. 
12.2023RISS congratulates Daniela Grunow and Richard Traunmüller as editors on the publication of their joint special issue on social integration! December 2023,  
09.2023-02.2024 Field phase Internalization Survey: November 2023 – February 2024. The data collection process successfully terminated! For more information on the survey, see section RISS Internalization Data.    
09.2023 Presentation of research findings, “Like father, like son? Fathers' and sons' education-work-family trajectories upon the German reunification." (Subin Chang). LIVES International Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland.

08.2023 New data manager: Ines Schäfer takes over Mirjam Fischers tasks; Mirjam Fischer continues in RISS as research advisor and successfully starts own research project, funded by the Berlin University Alliance as guest professor at Humboldt University Berlin. 
05.2023RISS Internal Workshop on RISS Internalization Survey questionnaire harmonization and finalization.
05.2023Research presentation on the “Reconfiguration of the German Social Structure" at the RC 28 in Paris (Yassine Khoudja)
04.2023  Research presentation from guest Prof. Dr. Tomás Cano, “Sequence Analysis for the Study of Life Course Trajectories & Intergenerational Transmission“ at the Goethe University.
03.2023 Resarch presentation on the “Reconfiguration of the German Social Structure" at the spring meeting of the DGS-Section “Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse" (Yassine Khoudja).
02.2023RISS Internal Workshop on RISS Internalization Survey questionnaire design.
2022-2023Course offered at undergraduate level based on the RISS project 3, “Effects of Parents and Siblings on Work and Family," Winter Semester 2022-2023 and Summer Semester 2023, co-taught from Subin Chang and Heather Hofmeister. 
Invited short talk at the Waldkunstkonferenz of the Schader-Stiftung (Yassine Khoudja) on multidimensional social change and the climate crisis.
12.07.2022RISS Vignette Experiment Workshop, led by Richard Traunmüller and Alexander Schmidt-Catran of RISS, to discuss and inform the project-specific development of attitudinal and identity-based survey questions and vignettes for the RISS Internalization Survey.
06.2022Paper presentation on “The dynamic interplay between changing macro-level work-family norms and micro-level gendered parental behaviors in Eastern and Western Germany, 1991-2016." (Heather Hofmeister and Constance Hsiung). Work-Family Researchers' Network Conference, NYC. 
31.05.2022Workshop on survey instruments of nationalism, patriotism and national identity with Marlene Mußotter, University of Passau, Professor of Methods of Empirical Social Sciences. 
08.03.2022 Workshop on household survey design: Sampling household members 03.-04.03.2022 International workshop  on questionnaire-design and fieldwork with external cooperation partners: Annelies Blom, Prof. of Data Science,      University of Mannheim Carina Cornesse, Chair of Data Science, University of Mannheim Fenella Fleischmann,      Associate Professor, European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations (ERCOMER),Utrecht   University Heinz Leitgoeb, Dr. Akad.Rat, Empirical Social Research, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt Lucinda Platt, Professor of Social Policy and Sociology in the Department of Social Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Public presentation by Lusine Grigoryan, Postdoctoral research fellow at the department of social psychology,     Ruhr University Bochum, on “Hierarchies of prejudice: Why some groups evoke more prejudice than others?"
04.02.2022Workshop on questionnaire development  
26.10.2021Workshop on the social psychological aspects of identity formation and Public Presentation by Tatiana                    Lau, Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at Royal Holloway, University of London and affiliate of the Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University, on “Discovering social group via latent structure learning"